NGSS-Aligned Curriculum For High School Science
Make science engagement possible for every student
Kognity is here to bridge the gap between NGSS curriculum and classroom implementation—empowering teachers, engaging students, and improving consistency in science instruction.
NGSS Curriculum Adoption Made Easy
Kognity delivers NGSS-aligned curriculum, empowering teachers with options for personalized instruction. They receive ongoing PD support while the platform’s variety of interactive content fuels student engagement in-class, online, and at-home.
Scope and Sequence & Standards Mapping
Download Scope and Sequence & Standards Mapping documentation for each of Kognity’s high school science courses.
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Meeting Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) standards
Kognity for High School Science meets the ESSA Level IV (Demonstrates a Rationale) requirements of evidence standards.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Kognity's platform be used for low, medium, and high tech classrooms?
Yes. While Kognity is a digital platform, we recognize that high school science, guided by NGSS standards, thrives in collaborative, in-person environments. We offer discussion protocols and ‘talk-moves’ to support student inquiry and exploration, regardless of their tech setup or confidence level. Our suggestions are flexible, and teachers—who know their classrooms best—can adapt them as needed.
How does Kognity support equity, access, and inclusion for all?
At Kognity, we believe all students should have access to scientific content, no matter their proficiency level. To support this, we’ve partnered with Microsoft to provide Immersive Reader, a reading assistance tool, that breaks down learning barriers both at home and in the classroom.
With support for over 130 languages, text-to-speech, visual aids, line focus, adjustable reading speeds, a picture dictionary, and an interactive glossary, we strive to help students succeed. We also recommend discussion protocols and ‘talk-moves’ to foster inquiry and exploration, regardless of confidence level, and include vocabulary boxes and an embedded glossary for quick definitions of complex science terms.
Get Free Access
Prefer to explore Kognity independently? Sign up for a free 30-day trial to explore our Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Space Science, and Physics courses at your own pace.