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Kognity for High School Science accreditation

Kognity meets Level IV requirements of evidence standards under Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

Kognity is proud to meet the rigorous evidence-based requirements of ESSA, meeting the Level IV (Demonstrates a Rationale) criteria required for federal funding.

Kognity worked with third-party, LearnPlatform, to complete this research work and build a reliable edtech evidence base for districts and state education organizations.


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Kognity Logic Model

This logic model and ESSA Level IV report met 2 of 2 indicators related to ESSA’s Level IV “Demonstrates a Rationale.” All reviewers agreed that the logic model was well-defined, informed by research, and that additional plans to examine the intervention for evidence were available.

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Full Level IV report

The study satisfied ESSA evidence requirements for Level IV, meeting the following criteria:
1. Detailed logic model informed by previous, high-quality research;
2. Study planning and design currently underway for an ESSA Level I, II or III study.

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