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Kognity takes a day to recharge

The Coronavirus pandemic is a global trauma that has cost millions of lives and left no one unaffected. The business world has of course been fundamentally affected with mega trends massively accelerated by the global population adapting to lockdowns and regulations put in place to get the pandemic under control.

As an EdTech company, we have been fortunate to see increased interest in our product during the pandemic and have been able to support schools globally with the unprecedented challenge of continuing teaching and learning whilst being fully remote. Our growth has continued to follow the trajectory that gained us 13th place in Deloitte’s “Sweden Technology Fast 50” last year. 

Still, the pandemic has challenged us to find new ways of working and of taking care of our employees. Remote origami, painting, yoga, gym sessions, virtual lunches, mindfulness, pub quizzes and other activities have replaced office gatherings. This has been especially important for the 50% of the Kognity team that have relocated to Sweden to join Kognity and have not been able to travel to see friends and family in their home countries during the pandemic. While this only goes so far in breaking the feeling of isolation, we are set on doing what we can to maintain our strong company culture and make sure all Kognites feel cared for.

Kognity’s vision is to radically improve learning for the world’s 1.5 billion students, and since improving education globally can’t wait, all Kognites are working incredibly hard to realise the vision as soon as we can. On top of that, most people work more hours when remote, often finding it difficult to switch off from work, which adds to the challenges already presented by offices being closed and travelling being banned.

As a symbolic, but important, gesture to help Kognites recover; on Monday April 19th we are taking a full day off to recharge – no Slack, no emails and no phone calls. There is no agenda, and no musts; improving global education will just have to wait one day. Then on April 20th, we will continue our journey towards radically improved learning for the world’s 1.5 billion students once more.

Do you want to join us? Read more here.