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Webinar: How to set your students up for IB DP exam success

As exam time draws nearer, we know it’s not just students who are starting to feel the exam preparation jitters.

As an IB DP educator, you want to make sure that your students are getting the support and resources they need to be effective in their exam preparation, so they can be successful on exam day. That includes equipping them with practical strategies to plan and prioritise their study time, but also being a good role model when it comes to issues such as stress management and performance anxiety.

In this webinar, former IB DP educator Sasha Levitt covers these and other helpful tips for guiding your students through effective exam preparation. Drawing on her experience teaching IB DP History as well as her role as Director of Experiential Learning and CAS Coordinator at EF International Academy (New York), Sasha provides her top 10 strategies for setting your IB DP students up for exam success.

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