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Webinar: Indigenous Knowledge Systems

One important innovation of TOK2020 is the responsibility that has been passed onto schools to choose the Optional Themes they will cover with students. Are you tempted to select Indigenous Knowledge Systems but a bit worried about being insufficiently prepared to design this unit and lead these lessons? This webinar invites you to seriously consider teaching this theme for its intrinsic richness, the variety of links that can be developed to other optional themes and Areas of knowledge and its potential to expand students’ understanding of the TOK Core, Knowledge and the Knower.

In this webinar we will use elements of the TOK Framework and specific knowledge questions to
– critically examine the values and assumptions that underpin “indigenous” knowledge systems
– analyse the unique nature of indigenous knowledge systems
– explore the central elements that comprise these systems
– consider ways to encourage links and comparisons between this theme, areas of knowledge and the Core.

The webinar will include concrete examples and provide you with a list of some online resources that you can use to design and implement this unit for the students in your classroom.

About the host: Mimi Bick

Mimi Bick, former Chief Assessor for Theory of Knowledge, taught for 25 years in several schools in Chile. During this time, she led teacher workshops in the Americas and co-authored Theory of Knowledge: A Course Companion published by Oxford University Press. Most recently, Mimi has contributed to TOK in her role as content editor of Kognity’s online materials for the course.

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We hope you enjoy the webinar.