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Phenomenon-Based Learning Checklist cover

Phenomenon-Based Learning Lesson Planning Checklist

Ignite a New Era in High School Science Education cover

A Guide to NGSS Implementation & Phenomena-Based Learning

Making STEM subjects More Accessible to Students from Diverse Backgrounds cover

6 Ways Districts Can Make STEM Subjects More Accessible to Students

NGSS Quiz: Where are You in the Journey? thumbnail

NGSS: Where Are You in the Journey?

Bring STEM to Class Webinar cover

Webinar: Bring STEM to Class

The Power of Inquiry-Based Learning

Kognity makes NGSS adoption easier than ever.

We’re more than just a curriculum; we’re your NGSS adoption partner. You no longer have to be intimidated by NGSS. You’ll receive ongoing support with driving question boards, teacher guides, lesson instructions, and a dedicated professional development specialist.

Kognity helps students make connections.

Our real-world phenomena engage students and support future-readiness, while knowledge checks pinpoint gaps for teachers to guide instruction. Interactive 3D models, multilingual translations, and reading assistance ensure every learner can access high-quality science learning.

Kognity helps teachers reach all learners.

We help all students make connections and build their scientific knowledge and skills. Interactive 3D models, multilingual translations, and reading assistance support diverse learners and help teachers differentiate instruction.

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  • Kognity has helped me in that so much of the prep work is done for me... Kognity offers so much auto grading and guidance on what sorts of questions should be coming up and even some advice for how to guide students in exploring tough concepts. For my students, Kognity has helped them organize their materials and think about things in new ways through phenomena that they hadn't seen before.

    Jack Elliott-Higgins

    Science Teacher, Boston Green Academy, MA