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In the words of Kognity IB educators

Educators in over 1,500 schools across over 100 countries rely on Kognity to elevate their IB DP teaching and learning.

By providing interactive content, analytics and assessment support – as well as top-quality training and professional development – Kognity streamlines teachers’ workloads and shapes modern, accessible and inspiring learning experiences.

But don’t just take our word for it! Here, expert IB educators Lee, Estaban and John share their experiences with Kognity.

"Kognity solves the problem of time"

Lee Kelsall is the Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Coordinator (IB Coordinator) at Humanitree in Mexico City. He’s been teaching with Kognity since 2015, and when he joined Humanitree in 2020 he brought Kognity with him.

As a school leader, Lee appreciates the way Kognity saves teachers time, freeing them up to provide more personalized support for students. Kognity’s integrated reading assistance has also been very beneficial at Humanitree, particularly for learners with EAL or additional support needs.

"It accelerates your teaching!"

John Patton is the IB coordinator at St Gilgen International School in Salzburg, Austria. He also teaches DP Biology and ESS, and Kognity plays a key role in his day-to-day teaching.

John trusts Kognity because the materials are backed up by proven learning theory, which helps students to engage with their learning and to make progress faster. This means he gets to spend more classroom time focusing on the most exciting aspects of his subject, fostering his students’ passion for learning.

"Hey, everything's here!"

Estaban Flemons is the President of the Classroom Teachers Association in the Phoenix Union High School District, Arizona. Kognity has been a staple of the IB Diploma Programme there for over 5 years now.

With Kognity in place, Estaban feels confident that the students always have access to everything they need for their DP studies. He also really values the way the platform guides students to spend their independent study time in the right areas, supporting more efficient and effective exam preparation.

In a nutshell

Why do IB coordinators and educators like John and Estaban love Kognity?

St Gilgen International School Logo

John's top 5 reasons:

  • Helps students take control of their learning
  • Inspires students to get excited about their subject
  • Puts excellent pedagogy into practice
  • Provides engaging teaching resources
  • Gives instant feedback for students
Phoenix Union High School District (PXU) logo

Estaban's top 5 reasons:

  • Stays up to date with new curricula
  • Allows students to pace their own learning
  • Reinforces students’ prior learning
  • Supports effective exam preparation
  • Aligns perfectly with IB requirements

Explore Kognity for the IB Diploma Programme

Kognity is your curriculum-aligned teaching and learning platform for the IB Diploma Programme.

Want to take a look inside?

Get 30 days of free access to Kognity for the IB Diploma Programme. You can currently take a tour of our latest Biology, Chemistry and Physics resources, and it will be possible to explore more subjects soon.