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biology | chemistry | Earth space science | inquiry | lesson planning | PBL | phenomena-based learning | physics

Phenomenon-Based Learning Checklist

Foster collaborative curiosity and spark Eureka moments with these pre-unit launch tips

How can science teachers create engaging, inquiry-driven classrooms where students take ownership of their learning in physics, chemistry, biology, and Earth space science? Use our phenomena-based learning lesson planning checklist to:

  • Foster collaboration: Create a team environment where students share insights and build understanding together.
  • Drive inquiry and deeper connections: Guide students in posing questions, expanding their inquiry, and making personal connections to the phenomena.
  • Link learning to real life: Help students connect classroom discoveries to their everyday experiences, making science more relevant and meaningful.

Download the checklist for strategies to create engaging, student-centered learning experiences.

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Thank you for your interest in phenomena-based learning and strategies to enhance student engagement. We hope you find the checklist helpful!

Phenomenon-Based Learning Checklist cover

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Ignite Eureka Moments Using Phenomena-Based Learning!

Essential resources to make NGSS-aligned high school science instruction more impactful and student-centered.

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