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Webinar: What to Watch For (and Ensure) in Successful NYSSLS-Aligned Classrooms

October 22, 2024

12pm ET

In this interactive webinar, you’ll step into both student and teacher roles as we explore NYSSLS-aligned lessons across Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Space Science, and Physics. Learn what to look for in high-quality, phenomenon-based lessons and how to bring these standards to life in your school.

You’ll gain insights into effective NYSSLS implementation, including:

  • Tips for engaging science educators in NYSSLS-aligned, phenomena-based lessons
  • Tools and strategies for administrators to support successful implementation
  • How to avoid common pitfalls that undermine NGSS adoption
  • 3D science assessment resources, including checklists and guidance

About the speaker
Emily J.S. Kang is the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and professor in the Ruth S. Ammon College of Education and Health Sciences at Adelphi University. She was an elementary classroom teacher and middle school earth science and human biology teacher for 10 years. She has extensive experience designing, researching and providing professional development around implementing the Next Generation Science Standards as well as supporting multilingual learners in science.

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