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Grace Boersma • 03/10/2024  •  30 sec read

anchoring phenomena routine | anchoring phenomenon | APR | inquiry-based learning | NGSS | phenomena-based learning

Webinar: The Power of the Anchoring Phenomena Routine

In an inquiry-led classroom, introducing a phenomenon can make or break a unit, as we want to make sure to elicit student ideas and experiences.

This webinar dives into Kognity lesson through the lens of a student to experience an Anchoring Phenomena Routine (APR). This is followed by a short reflection to identify how much student voice is present in an intro lesson and how much “figuring out” is on the students.

This webinar was originally run as part of Kognity’s Engage Online Conference – a full-day event dedicated to sparing transformation in science education.

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Grace Boersma, PD Specialist at Kognity

Grace Boersma

Professional Development Specialist, Kognity

Grace Boersma is a professional development specialist at Kognity with over 8 years of experience as a high school chemistry teacher. She is passionate about helping teachers create engaging and effective learning experiences for their students through an inquiry lens. Grace has been awarded the Science Innovation Hall of Fame Educator Excellence Award, as well as the Teacher of Promise Award.