Register for our upcoming Engage Online conference for science educators and leaders!

See you at Engage Mexico City!

22 February 2024


Join Kognity’s free in-person professional development conference for IB DP educators and school leaders. Elevate your teaching and learning through workshops, breakout sessions and keynotes during the afternoon, and enjoy a free networking happy hour at night. We can’t wait to meet you!

Registration begins at 14:00
Pre-workshops take place between 14:30 – 15:30
Conference 15:45-19:15
Happy hour begins at 19:15

3 reasons to attend Engage Mexico City

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Connect with peers

Collaborate during the day and enjoy a free networking event together in the evening.

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Elevate your teaching

Equip your toolbox with practical tips that will support you in your everyday work.

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Bring inspiration back to your school

Learn how to engage your students so they can thrive in the classroom

Your Agenda

14:30 - 15:30

Sophie Murten

How can I adapt Kognity tools to my students' needs?

Kognity provides a large range of tools to use: textbook, notes, reading assignments, question assignments, exam-style questions, but, do all tools work for all students?

In this workshop, teachers will share with each other their experience with Kognity’s tools in order to broaden our perspective on how each tool can be used to benefit each of our classes.

14:30 - 15:30

Adriana Celada

Whatever happened to my students’ attention span?

The goal of this workshop is to develop the awareness of the current stimuli affecting students. We will also share with other other the challenges students face in terms of their ability to focus and maintain their attention. You will learn new techniques to get and maintain  attention in class, as well as to aid in the development of time and self-management skills. Join us for this informational and interactive workshop! 

15:45 - 16:45

Jorge Perera

Diseñando el Futuro Educativo: Integrando Design Thinking en Proyectos del IB

Explorar cómo el Design Thinking es una metodología que promueve la innovación educativa y puede transformar la creación de proyectos en el marco del Bachillerato Internacional. Descubrir estrategias prácticas para incorporar este enfoque centrado en el estudiante en la elaboración de unidades y proyectos, promoviendo la resolución creativa de problemas y el pensamiento crítico.

15:45 - 16:45

Steve Whitaker

Humanitree’s Experience with VR Educational Applications

Humanitree introduced VR to their school this year. Join us to learn from our experience and build an awareness of why VR might be something you want to introduce at your school. We will begin the workshop with a discussion of progress, highlight the pros and cons, and then focus in on 2 hands-on experiences with VR educational applications.This session is great for school and edtech leaders who impact the adoption of technology in their schools.

This workshop will only have 10 participants. Keep a close eye on your emails to see how to register for this workshop soon.

15:45 - 16:45

Isaac Pérez Bolado

Swimming Upstream with AI: Inquiry in the TOK Classroom

When thinking about AI, teachers are often afraid it will be used “downstream”, to replace the final products of what should be the students’ own inquiry. In this session, I will propose practical applications to invert this tendency and use AI instead as engaging and productive milestones  for students to explore  issues of knowledge in your TOK classroom.

You will walk away with:

  • The principles for using AI tools as classroom resources to promote reflection on the TOK themes, the Knowledge Framework, and the AOKS
  • Concrete ideas for activities that incorporate AI tools “upstream”
  • Suggestions for class agreements that support productive use of AI while upholding academic integrity and rigor
17:00 - 18:00

Lee Kelsall

The Leadership Challenge

Your crash course in Middle Leadership! Middle leadership  in a school is crucial for fostering effective leadership skills among educators who play a pivotal role in driving the school’s development and student achievement. 

This session will help middle leaders with the tools to lead and support their teams, it will help contribute to  improved teaching practices, and a more cohesive approach to achieving educational goals.

17:00 - 18:00

Noemi Dos Santos Andrade

El uso intencionado de los enfoques de aprendizaje (ATLs) en el aula

Details coming soon..

17:00 - 18:00

Grace Stearns

Incorporating Creativity in the IB Classroom

In this session Grace will model different strategies and projects that will encourage students of all IB subjects to have more visual literacy, make conceptual connections between subject areas, and utilise different intelligences and learning styles. Teachers will come away with tangible project ideas and inspiration to make classes more creative, dynamic, and differentiated. Let’s get creative together!

17:00 - 18:00

Montserrat Morones Aviña

Construyendo comunidades de indagación en el aula

Estrategias prácticas para fomentar el pensamiento crítico, creativo y cuidadoso en el aula a partir del cuestionamiento y la comprensión de la clase como comunidad de indagación.

  • La importancia del cuestionamiento en el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico y la autonomía del estudiante
  • Cómo integrar el cuestionamiento efectivamente en  el aula
  • Cómo fomentar la colaboración entre el estudiantado a partir del diálogo y la indagación conjunta
  • Recursos y ejemplos prácticos para implementar el aprendizaje basado en la indagación de manera efectiva en el aula
  • Estrategias para enseñar al estudiantado a formular preguntas significativas y orientar su propio proceso de indagación y el de sus pares
18:15 - 19:15

Jorge Perera

IA en el Aula: Desatando la Creatividad Educativa

Descubre cómo la Inteligencia Artificial puede transformar tus prácticas pedagógicas y potenciar la creatividad en el aula. Exploraremos cómo diseñar unidades de manera innovadora y apoyar a los profesores en la exploración de su creatividad mediante la integración de la IA.  Además, aprenderás a utilizar herramientas IA para inspirar a tus estudiantes y liberar tu propia creatividad como educador.

19:15 - 20:30


Happy Hour!

Join us for a complimentary Happy Hour after our last plenary session. We will provide beverages and appetizers to celebrate a fantastic afternoon of learning and connecting!

Collaborate, learn & grow

Take a look at some snapshots from previous Engage events to get a feel for what you can expect at the Mexico City edition.

Bridging pedagogy and technology, together

Engage by Kognity is the learning hub for thought leaders in education, offering a full day of certified professional development and networking with peers. Through hands-on sessions, subject specific workshops, and inspiring keynotes, we will empower your teaching and hand you tools to balance the power and friction of pedagogy and technology.

The conference is completely free and hosted by Kognity, the all-in-one curriculum-aligned teaching and learning platform. Following the conference, join us for a complimentary dinner!

Registration is limited, so register now to reserve your spot!



Claim your free ticket here!