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Anjana Iyer • 07/02/2024  •  30 sec read

chemistry | inclusion | neurodiversity | NGSS | storylines

Chemistry for All: Inclusion Stories and Teaching Strategies

Together we explore innovative approaches to teaching chemistry that promote inclusion for all students. By harnessing the power of NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) and engaging storylines, we delve into effective strategies for creating chemistry classrooms where every student can thrive.

Our journey encompasses not only the science content but also the pedagogical techniques and inclusive practices that can transform the learning experience.

Presenter: Anjana Iyer, Chemistry Teacher, Hillsborough High School

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Anjana Iyer, Chemistry teacher

Anjana Iyer

Chemistry Teacher, Hillsborough High School

Anjana has been teaching Inclusion Chemistry for 13 years at Hillsborough High School in NJ. As a fervent advocate for inclusive chemistry education, she firmly believes that every student can excel in chemistry. Her commitment to education has earned her accolades such as the 2023 New Jersey State Finalist for PAEMST and the 2022 Governor’s Educator of the Year award. In 2019, she and her co-teacher were honored by NJCIE (New Jersey's Coalition of Inclusive Education) as the best inclusion teachers in the state. She has also been actively involved in professional organizations, having served on the governing board for AACT (American Association of Chemistry Teachers) and currently contributing to ACS (American Chemical Society) in their K-12 SEE group. Anjana's dedication to inclusion extends to publishing articles for AACT alongside her co-teacher and guest speaking at Princeton University for the TeacherPrep program each fall and spring semester.