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How Kognity helped a Biology teacher reach a 96% pass rate

Candice Tupajic is an IB Diploma Programme Biology teacher at Santa Margarita Catholic High School, California. While looking for resources to use in her classroom, Candice tried four different solutions. Here’s why she chose Kognity:

  • It’s truly digital: the interactive textbooks contain graphics, videos and simulations that are engaging for students.
  • Kognity adds to the content Candice delivers in classroom, enhancing students’ learning when she is not present.
  • Instant feedback: with the Practice Centre it’s easy to check what students have learned from the content and what they need to improve.
  • It motivates her students. The IB DP is not a simple programme, and Kognity pushes students to know more and to learn deeper.
Watch the full video and hear from Candice herself!

A lot of different publishers have put their book online, and really it’s just a PDF. Nothing has matched Kognity.”


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